Sin City -

- Genre conventions -

Film Noir: 
Lighting (high contrast/low key) -

The assassin's face half lit face within the first scene - good or bad? (Reference to Cold War - trusting no-one, corruption)
Kevin's face in darkness - showing he is evil. 

Cynical Protagonist -
Marv to probation worker, "Hell is waking up everyday and not knowing why you are here."
adjectivebelieving that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful ofhuman sincerity or integrity her cynical attitude.• doubtful as to whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile most residents are cynical about efforts to clean mobsters out of their city.• contemptuous; mocking he gave a cynical laugh.

Femme Fatale -
Goldie sleeps with Marv for protection from Uncle Roark. (Using her body to get what she needs, using the male protaganist's weakness against him.) 
Nancy - Post modernist femme fatale. Uses her innocence not her body to get help (mostly when she is a child.) 

Comic Book:
Super human strength -
Marv escaping from police - smashing threw car window screen and swinging from the banister with ease.

Exaggerated diegetic/non diegetic sound -
Marv's punches.
Gunshots and explosions. 
These are a result of post production add are added after filming to exaggerate the action elements of the film.

Propp character roles - 
John Heartigan = hero. 
Nancy = heroine. 
Bob = sidekick. 
Junior = Villain.

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